SmartSource Coupon Inserts on Pause


Since, we in San Diego, no longer get a full Smart Source coupon inserts in our newspapers due to theft at the newspaper warehouse which is then sold to buyers on Facebook or Instagram.

Nonetheless, Coupons in the News,has written a piece, SmartSource Takes An Unprecedented Pause In Publication, letting us know that Smart Source has changed their coupon distribution schedule by not releasing an insert on October 16, as well as, there will not be an insert on October 23.

Dave at Coupons in the News always gives us good articles with depth and breath and go over and read SmartSource Takes An Unprecedented Pause In Publication.



  1. That is upsetting news I already do not get Save or P&G in my Sunday papers. Coupon sellers on Facebook seem to have 1,000s of inserts but I am not going to help support them!

    1. Cheryl, I am so sorry that you are gong to miss Smartsource so many changes have been announced this month it's almost too hard to keep up with it all.

  2. Ms. B- I have been having bad luck since Oct. 10th :( My husband was told Oct.10 that he will be losing his job in 6 weeks :(

    1. Nooooooooo!!!!!! I am so sorry your husband is loosing his job. May your husband's departure from the company bring bigger and better opportunities for him and you.


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