Revlon Coupons Verbiage Update


A reader, Stacie, left a comment that she'd printed Revlon coupons on and they've added the verbiage "excluding clearance items".  If the store has clearance Revlon products that they are trying to move out of the store to more than like make room for newer Revlon products doesn't it just make sense to let the people use the coupons to move the items out of the store? 

Revlon filed for chapter 11 bankruptcy on June 16, 2022 and it could be the reason why they've added the new verbiage to their coupons.


  1. This is on the Revlon DQ's at Rite Aid as well. I didn't think they could actually code it that way, so I experimented. The DQ did not come off. ☹️

    1. Gavin, these companies are in big trouble. They are running these companies like biggie banks and who the bills come due, they file for chapter 11.


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