Does Sara Lee Own Alfaro's Artesano Bread?

Growly had a great question "I wonder if this will match with the Alfaro's Artesano Bread that F4L sells. It looks very similar...and I decided to google it and it turns out...Yes, Sara Lee has trademarked the Artesano Bread!

Also, a reader, LS, says "Albertsons has it for $3.99 but receipt needs to be corrected via help"

Thanks, Growly & LS!


  1. The reason why I ask is that there is a $1.99 Artesano coupon in the F4L app.

    1. I stopped by F4L and although their app said the bread was there I couldn't find it.

    2. I ended up going to a Ralph's first, which had it.

  2. I bought Alfaro's at Target for $3.99 (because its easy to return there). Had to go through help at Fetch but I was credited with the $3.99 today.


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