Chobani Coupon Requests


Chobani Coupon Requests
 (click CONNECT)

You can request coupons once per month.  The Chobani customer service folks are very generous so be kind in your request.


  1. On the TeeTee site she shows the Clorox deal. I have a higher amount than she has posted on Swagbucks. Mine is 400 not 200. My Target only took off the $3.99 not the $4.99 like they were supposed to. Customer Service would not do anything about.

  2. How do I get rid of a receipt that says needs attention on it from Coupons. com? Will it stay on my screen forever?

  3. click on the "person" in top right corner then scroll down to help then contact us- there should be a message there

    1. It shows it under my redemption history and says needs attention and I can not get rid of it.

    2. Denise- I think you have to submit another receipt for that offer or wait till offer expires before it will the notice will disappear


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