Zip Advantage Worked for Me!!!πŸŽ‰


This morning, I went to pick up the Lunchables for $0.97 each with digital coupon, bananas and the frozen Tai Pei Beef & Broccoli (we really enjoyed the Tai Pei as a side dish) and both the $1 Produce and $1 Frozen came off on my receipt!!!!!!

I also wanted to mention that I still have a $30 off $30 coupon from the Flavor Adventure game, sitting on this account and the zip advantage worked!


  1. I still have the $100 coupon to use before the end of the month... Then I hope the zip advantage comes back for me. πŸ˜…

  2. OMG, the whole point of the post was to say that I still have a $30 off $30 and the $1 off Zip Advantage came off on my receiptπŸ˜‚ I got a lot of phone calls and texts and I got distracted but I've added the info my post. Thank you for the comment!

  3. Hey Ms B...Lucky you. My acct that still has $10 from the FA game doesn't even see the $1.00 zip coupons (95817), but my other account (where I didn't win a single thing!!) can see them, load them and use them!! Go fig!

  4. This is the first week that any of my cards has had the $1 come off on my receipt and it worked across all cards.


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