I am starting Labor Day weekend early!πŸŽ‰πŸ˜¬

 Over the past week, my doctor has been very concerned about my blood pressure being so high even though I was already on a low dose blood pressure medication, I am relatively healthy and active, and I am within my weight range.  However, for whatever reason, I would have these days that my blood press are would be sky high even first thing in the morning before I'd even brush my teeth.  My doctor had me documenting my blood pressure and the day that it was super high, it literally took all day to get my blood pressure down to normal.  It was probably something that I ate the night before that elevated my pressure but I felt fine that day.

Anyways, this week, my doctor was like "I need for you come in now and get your blood work done without fasting because I am going to change your medication. I need time to review your lab results but we need for you to come on Tuesday to see the result of the new meds."

My doctor has been on it!

My blood work results actually came back a little elevated but within the normal range but my doctor was like that could be due to not fasting so she's not worried it.  She's morning interested in seeing how I do on the new meds.

There are side effects for the new meds:

  • dizziness,
  • lightheadedness,
  • tiredness,
  • depression, or.
  • headache as your body adjusts to the medication.

I started the meds, this morning, and I am feeling lightheaded and tired and it's 10 in the morning and I am going to take it easy today and Mr. Man is home.  Depending how I feel, I probably won't be doing too much blogging today.


  1. Ms. B.- hope your blood pressure comes down asap. It's difficult taking new meds

  2. Take good care of yourself, Mrs. B. Happy to hear that Mr. Man is home today. Namaste.

  3. Hope all is well soon. Take care. :-)


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